“It's not the first timeAnd it won't be the lastI get angry, I get madBut I still love you right backI know that I'm rightBut the minute that you leftI got anxious, but I know that you still love me right back.. ”Mejo epic man ang paghatid nmen seniu kanina pero ang sweet.... sayang dq Lang napicturan ang love birds.. Anyways, thank you both for being there with me despite of my immaturity.. know that I’m always here for you.. I will treasure all our moments together and hope we will be able to continue this in the near future.. friends forever, right? ❤️Yes, I’m sad but don’t worry because I’m still happy for both of you because you’re going to the next chapter of your life.. Good luck and more importantly, God bless. ❤️Gonna miss you both so much. I love you two.. ❤️❤️